We'll make it on time.
Facebook page has been created, because that is how the world works these days.
"Like" me. Like me for a few reasons.
- You actually like me. I'm a good guy. I'm the best.
- I asked nicely and it would be rude to ignore me. You aren't rude.
- Take 5 minutes and look at no fewer than 3 other facebook "photography" pages. See that trash? That has more likes than me. That's an injustice.
- Like me because you like good photos and you want to buy them.
- Like me because i'll give you a free photo. Maybe.
- Because you support creativity, attention to detail.
- You probably aren't going to hike to the places i've been to get the photos I have.
List could go on, but my last day of real work is tomorrow.
So like my facebook page so more people think i'm popular and the unwashed masses start to think i'm trendy so they, in turn, buy things from me.
In other news- I'll be traveling for the month of September. On assignment. On the John Muir Trail. Fun times ahead.